
On this day, the MUN Security Council was talking about Yemen and the Huthii rebels and they were talking about how the Huthis are attacking and occupying the Yemeni territory. The Agenda of the council that day was to find adequate solutions to this issue.  The Russian delegation suggested providing humanitarian aid to the Yemeni republic. The representative of the Nigerian republic raised a point of information in regards the number of countries willing to contribute in the humanitarian aid. The resolution passed with a remarkable majority. The United States representative submitted a resolution, urging all countries to collaborate and reach an agreement to help achieve political stability in Yemen. China and the Russian federation vetoed two clauses that suggested continuing the air strikes in Yemen. Another suggestion was to ban the Huthi leader and his son from traveling to be trialed by the International Criminal Court. The majority of the honorable delegates in the council agreed on this clause, and thought that this solution will contribute effectively in resolving the Yemeni situation. The council had a remarkably fruitful debate.   AHMED OMAR with the help of Rodayna...


On the 3rd day of OISMUN, the committee of special conference was arguing on the second topic: The 6th of October 1973 Yom Kippur war, also known as the Arab-Israeli war. They were doing their best to find solutions to the Israeli invasion of Sinai and the Golan Heights. The committee were debating about the resolution that the delegation of United States of America submitted, one of the delegates requested dividing the issue into two parts, and now they have to deal with two different resolutions.  The chair took the place of the Israeli delegate to argue with the one of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The latter offended Israel so they had to apologize. The USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics believed that Israel started a war based on fear not on actions. The USSR added that Israel was invading Sinai and the Golan heights, and all that Egypt did was trying to get their land back and avoid war. Religion cannot be an excuse to send Syria and Egypt to the international court of justice. Menna Asran Jannah...

Mystery Witness

The advocates brought some witnesses to testify, and they were all valuable to the case. The Federal republic of Germany brought the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel, (aged 54), thinks that Italy breaking the rules and judging Germany in their courts is illegal, and the ICJ must make sure that it is the last time this happens. She believes that Italy is taking advantage of the strong economy of Germany to exploit it and weaken its economy. The witness believes that Germany is now using Euros and must not pay the 80 million marks. Lastly, the witness has not been taken into consideration because of lack of information. The Italian Council brought Lilia Bardini to prove that there was a massacre in 1944. She was living in a small village, and is 76 years old. When she was 12, in 1944, she had brothers and sisters, but when the Germans attacked, the villagers heard huge noise (bombs, fire) and were terrified. She saw her family dying in front of her, except her older sister. 560 people were killed, including 107 children. The German military killed everyone in her village in less than a day. The Federal republic of Germany followed by bringing the aged Susana Walsen Rainer. She is a law expert, when the 2nd World War was taking place, she was in her 2nd year of college (law school). She said that Germany did not go against the Jus Cogens law. She refused to answer several questions, but Judge Mardini asked if the Germans did any aggression and Susana said yes, then Judge Mardini clarified that aggression is...


A crisis took place on November 8th 2015 in the Environment Committee. Twitter was used as the main source of news. The issue faced was the extensive amount of CO2 emission present today. The Greenpeace association is performing imperative tests revolving around CO2 emissions. Richard Sinclair announced that CO2 emissions have grown exponentially in India over the last two weeks. The delegates were allowed twenty minutes of lobbying and merging. They researched and discussed solutions. They had to write five directives, vote on them and do a Q&A for Richard Sinclair. The delegation of the Republic of India was very much involved in the debate. A directive urged to stop any industrial work that causes the production of carbon dioxide, but instead uses renewable energy. This directive passed with a clear majority. Another one plead for a twenty-four hour curfew to be issued due to the acidic rain. This directive also passed with a clear majority.  During the debate for the first directive, Richard walked in and was able to answer some questions. An important question was asked; is it affecting other nations? And if so how can we prevent it? His answer reassured the committee that it is not affecting neighbouring countries, nonetheless the problem should be dealt with immediately to prevent any further harm. In conclusion, the discussion about the crisis was difficult. Nonetheless the delegates presented well-thought out solutions. This is an actual crisis that we face on a daily basis, therefore everyone should search for a solution in their own community – not just the environment commission. Doreen...

Crisis in the special conference!

On the 2nd day of OISMUN, the committee of special conference was working on the crisis topic. The discussion was about how Israel attacked Syria and how the latter returned the attack. Israel retired for a while because they lost a lot of troops. In this committee, the delegates were working on this topic in order to find solutions. Every delegate who had a suggestion for a solution should directly presents it to the main-submitter. The delegates then choose whether to approve the solutions or not. As a result, a lot of these were not accepted, while some got approved. Definitely, the tweets kept showing during the conference. After a while, the committee profoundly discussed the crisis. The delegation of the United States of America made a speech to present their deepest sorrow. There was a debate between the delegate of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the delegation of the Republic of Poland following the speech the United States of America made, and the discussion the president of Israeli had with the delegates. At the end, they were supposed to vote for or against the speech that USA made. When they voted, the majority was against the resolution. Mahmoud Arafa Menna...

Order In Court

The Italian counsel and the German counsel gave their opening speeches defending themselves and criminalising their opponent. Firstly, the Italian counsel argued that Germany has committed various international crimes. Such crimes can’t just go unpunished for the sake of state immunity. Secondly, the German counsel argues that Germany’s state immunity was breached by Italy. Therefore they should be charged and held accountable for there crime. The Italian counsel believes that if a country commits such crimes, they lose the immunity right. The Italian counsel also specifies that german soldiers terrorised Italien villages and countless other atrocities such as murder, abuse, forced labor..etc. It went as far as destroying entire villages, such as Deportivo. In 1933, Germany made an agreement – pay 40 million German pounds to repair the injustice they have caused. The republic of Germany’s speech followed, they believe that Italy does not have the right to sue them in there nation due to there state immunity. However, Italy believes that they have the right to do so because they caused corruption. The advocates represented the case by presenting their claims, the defense team stipulated all of the claims.  The Italian counsel proved that Germany violated the Jus Cogens law.  Italy said that Germany has committed a lot of crimes against human rights and they must be judged as guilty, and can’t be neglected because of state immunity. These crimes are not related to the war. The Italian republic showed a picture of a statue in the Italian museum and it was basically a dead mother surrounded by her dead children, and they showed this picture to prove that Germany killed thousands of people such as mothers and their children. We conclude that Italy has a lead and that the next time there will be witnesses. Now our question is: who will be the mystery witness?...
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